Kunpu are thoughts from the founder of Jyoshinmon, Ryuso Hoshu Ikeda. Below are a selection of the writings which he has noted throughout a lifetime dedicated to martial arts.

There is a such a tendancy that one thinks it is good to make juniors progress rapidly. Precociousness leads to unstable emotion caused by immaturity. It takes about twenty years for one to be a grown up. Winners of a tournament have the tendancy to regard themselves as full fledged. If you want to guide your juniors to experts of Karate-Do you should not teach them, but should help their growth considering the balance of body and mind.

When you see someone who has got to a higher state. Do not try to get there directly, but try to observe the process in which he went through.

If you feel difficulty in some movement, it must be a point to be corrected. Try it slowly again and again to analyse the movement. You will see your body aquire the movement. Then with some speed try to do the movement which you could not make smoothly. You will get to know that you can make it, that is what improvement means.

There are some men who lose their games by a narrow margin, on the other hand there are some men who win their games, also by a narrow margin. There seems to be only a very thin line between them. But in truth there must be a large difference which is not invisible. You can understand it if you see the man who always wins close games.

It may be only a practise for an hour, but for me it may be the study for several decades and an hour.

If you aim to get your skill to be refined or splendid pursue not the movement with sheer strength, but improve the quality of your movement. When you verify the flow in the movement you may understand the movement of fluid, deep inside of your body and you can get to the point that a wonderful and natural movement arises.

Katas are still mysterious. It is a curious art like a womens unkempt hair which is difficult to disentangle.

"Jyoshin" is the gate for living and growing together.